Screening Date: Thu. Dec. 7, 2023
Time: 7:00pm
Venue: Austin Film Society
Cost: $15
Premiere Status: TX
Run Time/Year/Country: 85min, 2023, USA
Director: Andrew Reich
Featuring a post screening Q&A with director Andrew Reich
Born Innocent makes the case for Redd Kross as the seminal West Coast band of the last half century. Formed in 1978 by brothers Jeff and Steve McDonald, and still actively playing and recording today, Redd Kross are the ultimate rock and roll lifers. They have influenced independent music in ways that beg to be acknowledged. From inventing Beach Punk to influencing the Grunge and Hair Metal movements, Redd Kross have maintained the highest level of musical integrity, originality and quality for over forty years. They are the underappreciated link between countless threads of Los Angeles rock. The band that connects Black Flag to The Partridge Family, The Runaways to The Cowsills Seeds, The Go-Go’s to The Red Hot Chili Peppers. Born Innocent will introduce a wider audience to two of the coolest people alive. The McDonald Brothers embody Southern California, rock and roll, and what it means to be an artist.